Sunday 10 April 2011


During this week I managed to complete the first 2 minutes of my music video. Firstly I edited the second obstacle where we find the protagonist bumping into an old friend. I decided to use pointo of view shots and mid shots for this part because it allowed the audience to see the emotions of the characters. The female actress was very happy and excited to see the male character but he was not even interested and was too busy looking for Cinderella who was walking in the distance.
I asked a peer for their opinion when I showed this part to them and they laughed all the way through it. They said that it was very funny because you could see the characters emotionas and relate to them. It made the audience feel more involved because it was as if the characters were talking to them. This was my intention because I wanted my music video to be comical and not serious like normal r'n'b videos. These point of view shots reminds me of a song I was looking at a few weeks ago, which was Kanye West's 'All falls down' in this video most of it is filmed through his eyes and just like my protagonist he too is on a quest battling against time to get his girlfriend on a plane. Just like my protagonist, Kanye faces many obstacles too.

I ended it with a mid shot so that the audience could see the protagonist run off leaving the female character looking confused. My peer said that this part also made her laugh because it showed Cinderella is a very powerful woman if shes making a boy chase after her. Not knowing that the real reason that the protagonist was chasing her just to get a free meal.

After this I moved onto editing the third obsatcle, where we find the protagonist getting into trouble when he pushes a girl as she is walking with her boyfriend. I used asn birds eye view shot this time so that the audience could have more access to what was going on. Before this Cinderella walks past, linking back to the mise-en-scene her red dress symbolises the upcoming danger. The point of view shots allows the audience to see how angry the boy is when his girlfriend gets pushed. I wanted the comic side of my music video to be seen again.
I also used a two shot when the boy was arguing with the protagonist with his girlfriend.

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