Friday 15 April 2011


This week I redrafted my main task and started to draft my evaluation. In my draft for my evaluation I will take pictures of my Sony Cybershot camera, put videos on it from YouTube and print screen images from the PC that I was editing my main task on. I will also put in pictures that I will take from google in it. My evaluation will contain most of the things that I had been working on for the last 25 weeks. It will explain my intial ideas and how I brought these ideas to life. It will explain how my main task and ancillarys challenge the main conventions of real media products. I will write about how I had been able to create three post modern products. Through out my production stages of all three tasks I have asked for audience feedback. Some were positive ans some were negative, I used this to my advantage because it allowed me to create better pieces of works.

My tasks were all affective as a combination because each task promotes each other. My main task helps to advertise the artist and creates entertainment for the audience. The CD booklet helps to promote the artist and his work and the poster helps to promote the ancillary task 1 and the artist. I re-drafted the beginning of my music video. I added parts to the beginning, I added 4 blank screens and attached font to them. I using the sliding effect for this so each clips slid into the other. The first slide said 'Colombia records presents...' this made my music video look more realistic. I had seen this being done in many music videos that I had seen whilst watching tv at home. Most music video's introduce the artist and the record label.
I also added special effects throughout the main task for example in the middle of the music video the is a birds eye view shot of Cinderella walking, used a fade to transition this part into the next part. I had a continuity problem when it came to the artists clothing so I decided to use a story telling narrative during the cut scenes where the boys are on the phone.

This kept the narrative going and also the theme of story telling . It also made the audience laugh when they read this.

Presentation Feedback

Main Task
(music video; film trailer; local newspaper; short film; tv news)

 My ancillary task 2 is not as good as my ancillary task 1. This is because the colours blend in too much, there is not enough text and there is not enough detail on the artists shirt. I need to add more to my anillary task 2 in order for it to match the standards of my ancilary task 1. The overall layout of my ancillary task 2 was well thought out and the fact that I used the same images on the poster as I did in my album cover show that I have shown that there is a continuity going on to show the link in all of my tasks.

(Clarity & Control, Key points, Analysis (of creative process), Visual Appeal, Overall Impact)

My presentation is nearly complete, I was able to speak about my ancillary task 2 very clearly and I was
able to explain the concept behind it and why I chose to design it and create it how I did. There is n equal balance of pictures and texts which allows the audience to see how much my work has progressed over the last few months.

(Target Audience, Decision-Making, Semiotic Analysis, Multimedia, Engagement)
My blog is now has a fully detailed account on how I made my final products. There is a varied range of multimedia such as videos, pictures and even photographs.

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