Sunday 10 April 2011

WEEK 16 and WEEK 17

This week started to do research on r'n'b posters for my ancillary task 2. Seeing as I used Kanye West's animated type of images for my cd booklet and back cover I decided that I wanted to keep the illustrated stayle the same just so that my ancillary 1 linked to it too. My media product would challenge the forms and conventions of media products because most r'n'b posters are either plain and simple or very sexual and tasteful. The above pictures are some of Kanye West's recent animated posters. Just above is a piece of artwork by pop up artist Andy Warhol. Most of Kanye Wests' poster are never in the same genre of art, it varies. I wanted to try and vary the styles of my ancillary tasks but I decided not to because then there would be no link between them. Below are some of the typical conventions of an r'n'b poster.
As you can see these male artist are dressed in sophisticated clothing and are staring directly at the audience which is allowing them to feel engaged. I decided to put my artist in a shirt and sunglases just like my front cover. When I asked for feed back I was told that I should try and link my ancillary's together as much as possible. I was also told that my album cover, poster and music video were all post modern because they go against the traditions of typical media products and that no matter what I did to these products all three tasks would still be linked.

Presentation Feedback

(music video; film trailer; local newspaper; short film; tv news)
 The audience like my ancillary task 1. The said that it was very unique and that it was different from the rest because everyone in the class decided to use Adobe Illustrator to create my pictures instead of just using original photographs and editing them with Adobe Photoshop. They like the fact that I had kept the theme of Cinderella and the whole story like narrative going. By using cartoon pictures it showed that I was trying my hardest to link my ancillary to my main task. They said that I should neaten up my pictures a bit more because the looked a bit messy.

(Clarity & Control, Key points, Analysis (of creative process), Visual Appeal, Overall Impact)
 My power point presentation is nearly complete. The audience could see how my work had developed over the past week and how much my skills had developed too. The could see how I had transformed ordinary photographs into animated products and they were impressed. I was able to explain to them how I had created my illustrated works using a Wacom tablet. I was also able to show them how it was linked to the main task which was also very good. They were impressed with how much research I had done too.

(Target Audience, Decision-Making, Semiotic Analysis, Multimedia, Engagement)
My blog looks very impressive and I have been able to put how I had created my ancillary into a clear account using pictures and a step by step process. I am starting to feel proud of my work and how well I have been able to develop my ideas more and more as I have gone along. My target audience have been very pleased with my blog because they feel that I have evaluated my work so far very well through pictures. It allows them to see how much work I had put into creating my ancillary task 1. It has also allowed them to see how I have made links to other artists works such as Kanye West and Usher.

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