Sunday 10 April 2011


In this week I had moved onto editing the end of my music video. This part was filmed on escalator's so it was quite easy to put things together. I decided to use the escalator scene when the song says..(You and I)
Like when galaxies collide babe (you and I)
(you and I) and our bodys come alive girl (you and I)
I see planets in your eyes babe(you and I)
Filled with clear blue skys (you and I)

This part of the song goes along nicely with the escalator scene because the tempo of the song speeds up as he is running up the escalator. It shoes just how tense things are at this point. The protagonists pushes two young ladies in this scene (the one on the phone and the one of the escalator) once again creating a sense of comedy within the music video.

Cinderella is on the escalator before the main character gets on it so that the audience know why he is running. When Cinderella gets to the lift i use cut scene from her and the protagonist so that we can see how close he is to getting her and how eager he is. It also allows the audience to get even more involved. This was the case wehn I asked a teacher to watch my music video. He told me that at this point he started to cheer the protagonist on and was eager to see whether or not he finally gets her.
As Cinderella gets into the lift, the protagonist is still running and as he gets to her the door closes on her. These shots were not tight enough so I had to speed up the duration of this clip. I did this by clicking the right button on my mouse and clicking onto 'speed/duration' I then changed the speed from 100.00 to 130.00. This made the closing of the lift doors more realistic.

Once he gets into the lift I noticed that, that part was too fast so I had to slow down the speed of this scene. I did this in the same way as I did when i sped up the pace before but just lowered the speed duration this time I lowered it from 100.00 to 80.00. This went well with the slow tempo at the end of the track because it showed how all of the events that had occured had come to an end.

The lowered speed duration was also used when he slid his phone down after reading the text message and the lift closed. This allowed my shots to be tighter beacause everything went well together. I found that as soon as the doors closed the music was coming to an end. I made sure that I did a close up of the phone and the text message so that the audience could see what it said. I also used a medium shot when the lift was about to close so that the audience could see him for one last time.


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